150+ Reisezitate für deinen perfekten Start in den Tag

Twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things you didn’t do than by the ones you did do. – Mark Twain

Ich liebe Reisezitate. Ich könnte Stunden damit verbringen, verschiedenste Zitate zu lesen und auf Pinterest zu sammeln. Und bei fast jedem müssen wir sagen:

Ja, klingt irgendwie kitschig, aber genau so ist es.

Darum habe ich dir hier meine persönliche Liste mit 150+ gesammelten Reisezitaten aus aller Welt zusammengestellt. Viel Spass beim Lesen!

Reisezitate Englisch

You don’t have to be rich to travel well. – Eugene Fodor

I’m not the same having seen the moon shine on the other side of the world. – Mary Anne Radmacher

Traveling – it leaves you speechless, then turns you into a storyteller. – Ibn Battuta

If we were meant to stay in one place, we’d have roots instead of feet, he said. – Rachel Wolchin

Wherever you go, no matter what the weather, always bring your own sunshine. – Anthony D’Angelo

We have nothing to lose and a world to see. – Anonymous

I love places that make you realise how tiny you and your problems are. – Anonymous

Once the travel bug bites there is no known antidote, and I know that I shall be happly infected until the end of my life. – Michael Palin

Travel can be one oft he most rewarding forms of introspection – Lawrence Durrell

Every day is a new chance to start stepping in the right direction. Time is limited. Waste is wisely. – Anonymous

Don’t forget to live before you die. – Anonymous

People who don’t travel cannot have a global view, all they see is what’s in front of them. Those people cannot accept the new things because all they know is where they live. – Martin Yan

Be fearless in the pursuit of what sets your soul on fire. – Anonymous

The what-if’s and the should-have’s will eat your brain. – John O’Callaghan

Investment in travel is an investment in yourself. – Matthew Karsten

If you’ll never go, you’ll never know. – Anonymous

Traveling. It leaves you speechless, then turns you into a storyteller. – Anonymous

We travel not to escape life but for life not to escape us – Anonymous

Travel expands the mind and fills the gap. – Sheda Savage

A good plan is what connects dreams with reality. – Anonymous

There is still so much to see. – Anonymous

Travel makes you realize that no matter how much you know, there’s always more to learn. – Anonymous

We travel. Some of us forever, to seek other states, other lives, other souls. – Anais Nin

The trouble is, you thing you have time. – Buddha

The only thing standing between you and your goals is the bullshit story. You keep telling yourself as to why you can’t achive it. – Jordan Belfort

A Journey is measured in friends, rather than miles. – Anonymous

Let your imagination run wild. – Anonymous

What we see depends mainly on what we look for. – John Lubbock

The future depends on what you do today. – Anonymous

Collect moments not things. – Anonymous

What I wanna become when I grow up? A happy traveller. – Anonymous

Travel far enough, you meet yourself. – Cloud Atlas

You can, you should, and if you’re brave enough to start, you will – Stephen King

Friends that travel together, stay together. – Anonymous

Travel doesn’t become adventure until you leave yourself behind. – Anonymous

I’m not sure what I’ll do, but – well. I want to go places and see people. I want my mind to grow. I want to live where things happen on a big scale. – Scott Fitzgerald

Go the extra mile. It’s never crowded. – Anonymous

Travel isn’t always pretty. It isn’t always comfortable. Sometimes it hurts, it even breaks your heart. But that’s okay. The journey changes you. It should change you. It leaves marks on your memory, on your consciousness, on your heart, and on your body. You take something with you. Hopefully, you leave something good behind. – Antohny Bourdain

Little by little, one travels far. – R.R. Tolkien

The impulse to travel is one of the hopeful symptoms of live. – Agnes Repplier

Not all girls are made of sugar and spice and everything nice. Some girls are made of adventure, fine beer, brains and no fear. – Anonymous

The world is like a book, those who do not travel read only one page. – Augustin

To move, to breath, to fly, to inspire. – Anonymous

The man on top of the mountain didn’t fall there. – Vince Lombardi

You can never cross the ocean until you lose sight of the shore. – Anonymous

If life were easy where would all the adventures be? – Anonymous

So much of who we are is where we have been. – William Langemiesche

Don’t count the days; make the days count. – Muhammad Ali

Life is better with sand between your toes. – Anonymous

Travel sparks our imagination, feeds our curiosity and reminds us how much we all have in common. – Deborah Lloyd

We wander for distraction, but we travel for fulfilment. – Anonymous

Take only memories, leave only footprints. – Chief Seattle

Not all those who wander are lost. – R.R. Tolkien

Do not follow where the path may lead. Go instead where there is no path and leave a trail. – Ralph Waldo Emerson

It’s not the length of life, but the depth. – Ralph Waldo Emerson

Travel ist he only thing you buy that makes you richer. – Anonymous

Wherever you go, go with all your heart. – Confucius

Certainly, travel is more than the seeing of sights. It is a change that goes on, deep and permanent, in the ideas of living. – Mary Ritter Beard

I can always make more money, I cannot make more time. – The wherever writer

One way to get the most out of life is to look upon it as an adventure. – William Feather

Take every chance you get in life, because somethings only happen once. – Anonymous

To travel is worth any cost or sacrifice. – Elisabeth Gilbert

Jobs fill your pocket, adventures fill your soul. – Anonymous

The earth has music for those who listen. – William Shakespeare

The world is a book, and those who do not travel read only one page. – Saint Augustine

Not all classrooms have four walls. – Anonymous

Discovery consist not in seeking new lands but in seeing with new eyes. – Marcel Proust

Happiness is not a state to arrive at, but a manner of traveling. – Anonymous

Travel brings power and love back to your life. – Rumi

Travel is more than getting from one place to another. Travel is exploration. – Anonymous

Happiness is not something readymade. It comes from your own actions. – Dalai Lama

I’d rather have a passport full of stamps than a house full of stuff. – Anonymous

Let’s do what we love and do a lot of it. – Marc Jacobs

When you do too much at once, you lose focus on what’s important. – Ro

You can visit the same place over and over again and see it differently each time. – Anonymous

Don’t listen to what they say. Go See. – Anonymous

Live your story fully and fearlessly. – Anonymous

Life begins at the end of your comfort zone. – Neale Donald Walsch

Let’s go somewhere where the stars kiss the ocean. – Anonymous

One day I will say «I did it». – Anonymous

I’ll look back on this and smile because it was life an I decided to live it. – Anonymous

Some beautiful paths can’t get discovered without getting lost. – Erol Ozan

Don’t be scared to walk alone. Don’t be scared to like it. – John Mayer

Wherever you go becomes a part of you somehow. – Anita Desai

Once a year, go someplace you’ve never been before. – Dalai Lama

Life is short and the world is wide. – Anonymous

We live in a wonderful world that is full of beauty, charm and adventure. There is no end to the adventures we can have if only we seek them with our eyes open. – Anonymous

May all your trails be crooked, winding, lonesome, dangerous, leading to the most amazing view. – Anonymous

Travel because you have no idea who you are until you experience yourself through different people and realize how we’re all the same. – Anonymous

The world is big and I want to have a good look at it before it gets dark. – John Muir

You lose sight of things, and when you travel, everything balances out. – Daranna Gidel

I haven’t been everywhere, but it’s on my list. – Susan Sontag

Traveling is about finding those things you never knew you were looking for. – Anonymous

Of all the books in the world, the best stories are found between the pages of a passport.

Travel while you’re young and able. Don’t worry about the money, just make it work. Experience is far more valuable than money will ever be. – Anonymous

A travellers most interesting meals tend to happen by surprise. – David Dale

In the world through which I travel, I am endless creating myself. – Franz Fanon

Please be a traveller, not a tourist. Try new things, meet new people and look beyond what’s right in front of you. Those are the keys to understanding this amazing world we live in. – Anonymous

Travel is still the most intense mode of learning. – Kevin Kelly

Be wild, beautiful and free. – Anonymous

The purpose of life is to live it. To taste experience to the utmost. To reach out eagerly and without fear for newer and richer experience. – Elenor Roosevelt

Don’t be afraid of being different, be afraid of being the same as everyone else. – Anonymous

Experience is the name everyone gives to their mistakes. – Oscar Wilde

Stay close to what keeps you feeling alive. – Anonymous

You will never influence the world by trying to be like it. – Anonymous

Nobody can discover the world for somebody else. Only when we discover it for ourselves does it become common ground and a common bond and we cease to be alone. – Wendell Berry

Twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things you didn’t do than by the ones you did do. – Mark Twain

You will never be completely at home again, because part of your hart always will be elsewhere. That is he price you pay for the richness of loving and knowing people in more than one place – Miriam Adeney

Life is too deep for words, so don’t try to describe it, just live it. – S. Lewis

I don’t know where I’m going from here, but I Promise it won’t be boring. – David Bowie

If you think travel is dangerous, try routine. It’s lethal. – Paulo Coelho

A homebody will remind you of the danger. A traveller will tell you the story. – Anonymous

Learn to travel. Travel to learn. – Anonymous

The only trip you will regret is the one you don’t take. – Anonymous

Sometimes the hardest part of the journey is believing you’re worth the trip. But you are confined only by the walls you build for yourself. You are much more capable than you think. – Anonymous

Never explain yourself to anyone. You don’t need anyone’s approval. Live your life and do what makes you happy. – Anonymous

You’ll never know how far you can fly, if you never take the first jump. – Anonymous

It’s a funny thing coming hoe. Nothing changes. Everything looks the same, feels the same, even smells the same. Your realize what’s changed is you. – Scott Fitzgerald

Don’t settle down and sit in one place. Move around, be nomadic, make each day a new horizon. – Anonymous

Spend time with people that make you smile a little bigger, laugh a little louder, and make your world a little brighter. – Anonymous

Happiness is, planning a trip to somewhere new, with someone you love. – Anonymous

Those who don’t believe in magic will never find it. – Roald Dahl

Because life is too short to be existing. Life is too short to not be living. Give it all you’ve got. – Anonymous

Vidi. Amavi. We came. We saw. We loved. – Anonymous

Reisezitate Deutsch

Reisen ist die Sehnsucht nach dem Leben. – Kurt Tucholsky

Zögere nie, weit fortzugehen, hinter alle Meere, alle Grenzen, alle Länder, allen Glaubens. – Amin Maalouf

Ein Augenblick kann dich mehr prägen als ein ganzes Jahr- Anonymous

Zu reisen heisst zu entdecken, dass jeder über andere Länder falsch liegt. – Aldous Huxley

Lebe, reise, erlebe Abenteuer, preise und bereue nichts. – Jack Kerouac

Wenn dich einmal das Reisefieber packt, gibt es kein bekanntes Heilmittel, und ich bin gerne bis zum Ende meines Lebens daran erkrankt. – Michael Palin

Wenn man immer nur tut, was sich gehört, verpasst man den ganzen Spass. – Katherine Hepburn

Reisen ist ein guter Weg, Geld auszugeben und trotzdem reicher zu werden. – Anonymous

Abenteuer beginnen, wo Pläne enden. – Anonymous

Der Reisende sieht, was er sieht; der Tourist sieht, was er besucht. – K. Chesterton

Die beste Bildung findet ein gescheiter Mensch auf Reisen – Goethe

Meer geht immer. – Anonymous

Nur wer sich auf den Weg macht, wir neues Land entdecken – Hugo von Hofmannsthal

Die gefährlichste aller Weltanschauungen ist die Weltanschauung der Leute, welche die Welt nicht angeschaut haben. – Alexander von Humboldt

Wenn du beginnst deinem Passfoto ähnlich zu sehen, solltest du in den Urlaub fahren. – Anonymous

Der Mensch plant. Das Schicksal lacht. – Anonymous

Wer lebt, sieht viel. Wer reist, sieht mehr.– Arabisches Sprichwort

Die grösste Sehenswürdigkeit, die es gibt, ist die Welt – sieh sie dir an! – Kurt Tucholsky

Es liegt eine Art Magie über dem Fortgehen, um dann völlig verändert zurückzukehren. – Kate Douglas Wiggin

Es gibt kein sichereres Mittel festzustellen, ob man einen Menschen mag oder nicht, als mit ihm auf Reisen zu gehen. – Mark Twain

Irgendwo ist immer Sommer. – Anonymous

Wenn du weit und schnell reisen möchtest, reise mit wenig. Befreie dich von deinem Neid, deiner Eifersucht, deiner Unversöhnlichkeit, deiner Selbstsucht und deinen Ängsten. – Cesare Pavese

Niemand merkt, wie schön es ist zu reisen, bis er nach Hause kommt und seinen Kopf auf seinem alten, vertrauten Kissen bettet.- Yutang

Reisen wäscht den Dreck des Alltags von der Seele. – Anonymous

Weit weg bist du oft verdammt nah an dir selbst. – Anonymous

Die längste und abenteuerlichste Reise beginnt mit den Worten: Ich kenne eine Abkürzung. – Holy Holy

Eine Reise ist ein vortreffliches Heilmittel für verworrene Zustände. – Franz Grillparzer

Lieber 10’000 Sterne am Himmel als 5 an der Hoteltür. – Anonymous

Jeder Träumer weiss, dass es vollkommen möglich ist, Heimweh nach einem Ort zu haben, an dem man noch nie war; wahrscheinlich noch stärker als nach bekanntem Boden. – Judith Thurman

Noch nicht genug? Hier findest du noch mehr inspirierende Zitate!

Du möchtest noch mehr Inspiration? Dann schau hier vorbei:

– Die «Top Travel Instagram Accounts»
– Die 12 fantastischsten Reisefilme
– 5 Bücher übers Reisen für pures Fernweh

Dieser Beitrag wurde von meiner alten Website auf diese Seite übertragen.
Ursprüngliche Veröffentlichung: 27.12.2017
Letzte Überarbeitung am: 11.07.2019

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